Drew’s intense day!!!!!!!

Today in our game designing class, we talked about the values in a game. And what makes a game fun, and how we can make a game. “The Spirit Games”, had thought me a couple things I didn’t know about. Like one, when Hauenosaunee kids were born they get there lacrosse stick, and its very important for them to respect there stick and the game. Because there ancestors played lacrosse long time ago, and they keep the  generation going.

2016 Recommendation Links Now Available

Good Morning Everyone!

It’s already February and just the other day it was January 1st, 2016!

Recommendation Links for both 2016 Mentor and Student Applications are now available.

Mentor Recommendation Link: http://forms.pitzer.edu/cec-mentor-recommendation-form/#gf_36

Student Recommendation Link: http://forms.pitzer.edu/cec-student-recommendation/

You can also find either of these by clicking on the 2016 Applications and then either the Student or Mentor Application tab in the Dropdown menu.

Please remember, you need 2 recommendations from someone who knows you and your work well – a teacher, a mentor, a boss, etc.

It’s never too early to ask for recommendations if you are applying for the program.

Native Youth to College Progam and the GenI Challenge

Last Summer (2015), the students of Pitzer/WesternU’s Native Youth to College Program took on the Generation Indigenous Challenge by President Obama and the Center for Native American Youth (CNAY).

The Generation Indigenous Challenge asks Native youth “to work with other youth in their community or at their school to do something positive of their choosing [within 30 days of accepting the challenge].”

Our Result?

Finding Our Way to College. A book by Native Youth for Native Youth.


Finding Our Way to College is a survival guide filled with practical advice, tips, and stories from Native Youth to College students navigating the college application process.

“My goal is to get to college, and I’ve motivated myself to make new connections in the Indian community around the world. I’d like to share my experiences and offer those opportunities to help you apply too! As royalty and a senior, I want to be a role model for others and show them the guidance, motivation, and support.”

“About 1% of American Indians attend my high school and most of them fail classes. We have an American Indian meetings every month and I want to tell them about this program and let them know that it can help them with college experiences and future College applications. However, if they are not interested in this program, I can give them tips about creating their College App. I want everyone to be successful and happy with where they are, especially my people.”

Take some time to flip through the book and read it. Share it with your friends, family, community, and school.

2015 Native Youth to College session students, we are proud of you for working so hard on this, sharing your experiences, telling your story, and being role models for other youth. 

A shout out to Gina Lamb, Pitzer Media Studies Professor, Edwin Gomez, and other Media studies students who worked on getting this ready for us!

#GenI #NativeYouth #TellingYourStory #GenerationIndigenous #Challenge

2016 Applications Are Out!

Okay, so the moment you all have been waiting for is here!

The 2016 Native Youth to College Applications are out!

We will be having both the Online and PDF version available. Right now, only the Online applications for both the mentors and the students are available. A PDF version to download will be coming soon. They can be accessed below.

Please go to the Application Page – https://nativeyouth2college.org/2016-applications/ – and select either drop down link for further information on the applications themselves, important dates, etc.

Important Due Dates for both:

  • Application Deadline                                                Friday, April 29th, 2016 at 5PM
  • Notification of Decision                                           Friday, May 13th, 2016 at 5PM

If you have any questions regarding the applications or anything else, please contact Program Director Scott Scoggins at 909.706.5948 or scott_scoggins@pitzer.edu.

Good luck and we look forward to reading all your applications.


Good Evening Pipeline Familia,

It’s been a while since we’ve been posting on the blog – things have been busy busy.

But we now have our 2015 Pipeline Program cohort and mentors.

In the next few posts, I will be presenting our Mentors – one of them will be your future mentor during the program, so pay attention! 🙂

Parents, now you can have a better idea of these well-qualified, strong mentors who will be looking after your students!


Mentor – Miahuatl Kuauhtzin

I would like to introduce Miahuatl Kuauhtzin as a 2015 Pipeline Program mentor!

Miahuatl PIc

 I am a Mexica-Azteca born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, with my two younger siblings. Through the efforts of my parents, I grew up immersed in my culture. Up until the twelfth grade I attended a school founded by my parents, Academia Semillas del Pueblo, which represents a community-based response to the international call for indigenous education. At school I was able to learn my mother tongue Nahuatl, our traditional dances and instruments, and our history and traditions. Despite growing up in a loving and accepting school, I am no stranger to the discrimination and struggles of my People. I have spent much of my time fighting for indigenous and human rights.

My greatest honor continues to be serving as a leader for my community by participating in the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and organizing our traditional ceremonies. I continue to give back to my community often volunteering at Anahuacalmecac International University Preparatory and helping to organize MEChA de UCLA’s Raza Youth Conference. I have traveled to different parts of the world and the United States, like New York, Canada, China, and Mexico. I am currently an undergraduate at UCLA with a major in Chican@ Studies. I am working towards becoming a Veterinarian with a specialization in indigenous traditional medicine for animals.